Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Quieting the Monkey Mind - What the title means

The monkey mind metaphor comes from Buddhist teachings. It means the mind jumps from one idea to the next just as monkeys jump from tree to tree. That's why to we need meditation, to break free from the endless chatter in our minds. 

Part of why I am writing this blog is to find that inner peace by setting these ideas free. Secondly, I hope some of what I write will help you do the same.

In search of clarity and calm...


  1. I love this post! It both tickled and charmed me at the same time... what you describe is the perfect reason to have a blog :)
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  2. I was really hoping the tittle was an association with the Monkey in Your mind, and not some deep and meaningful..
    I guess nothing much has changed!
